Social media marketing has been operating for a while but the level it has reached, namely 500 million members, is quite amazing. You are making a big mistake if you aren’t leveraging this resource to its fullest potential since it is the fastest growing company in the world. You can start expanding your business by creating a social media marketing fan page for it where people can chat with each other and you can thus join the social media marketing craze. But, to make sure you have new fans coming to your page daily you will have to drive traffic to it regularly. If you want to see organic traffic, then you will have to optimize your fan page for the search engines. Follow these simple tips to increase the number of fans you have.
How to Increase Number of Social Media Marketing Fans
First, take advantage of the “About” box as a tool for optimizing your fan page. This box comes right under the profile picture and it’s a valuable area to place your optimized content. The box should hold many different keywords that pertain to your business. Due to the location of the box within the CSS framework on your page, search engines provide a good deal of weight to the content of it. Choose your words wisely though as there is a limit of 250 characters in the box.
YouTube has a lot of power and so you should always attach your videos straight from that site. This is due to the fact that Google lends a lot of weight to videos, especially if they originate from YouTube. This could have awesome effects on your search engine rankings. So if you have videos and they come from YouTube, then Google will use that to boost you in the ranks. This is simple to complete and all you need to make sure of is that your videos go along with whatever else your fan page is about. You can find lots of videos like this on YouTube. But before you include them in the stream of your page, ensure that the content is of good quality.
Any fan page worth people’s attention is going to include a large profile picture. One of the reasons people like Social media marketing is that it can help them share photos on the internet. So have a large, expressive photo on your page that is related to your company or brand. Photos help show people they can trust you and helps you build your brand.
In closing, you should now be very familiar with how to effectively utilize SEO in order to get more fans and traffic to your social media marketing page. You will get far more exposure for your fan page, but you will also effectively grow your brand without having to lift hardly a finger.
Tags: Web search engine, big mistake, awesome effects, search engine rankingsThe original post is located here: Three SEO Strategies To Use On Your NY Social Media Marketing Fan Page